Quantifying the impact of your program is a first step towards improving it.
Of course, you believe in your program and that it is working…but how do you demonstrate your effectiveness to yourselves, your stakeholders, and others? Let the experts at Mentoring Central help you to evaluate your program’s effectiveness.
Who will help me?
Our team of scientists, researchers, and statisticians— in combination with use of our web-based data collection and project management software— will help you design an evaluation that fits your needs and budget. Our team’s diverse experience includes:
- 40 years of scientific and technical assessment expertise
- Eight behavioral scientists on staff, many of whom are psychologists and mentoring experts
- Recipients of numerous evaluation contracts and Federal grants on mentoring and other positive youth development topics
- Co-authors of peer-reviewed studies on mentoring and preventive interventions

What types of help can I get?
We can assist you during all stages of the evaluation process including:
- Helping you articulate your mission and desired outcomes into a logic model, conceptual framework (grounded in research and theory), and measurable goals
- Working collaboratively with you to design a feasible evaluation plan that achieves your goals
- Customizing our software application to meet your project management and data collection (e.g., use of web-based or mobile surveys) needs
- Conducting data coding, cleaning, and management
- Designing and conducting statistical analyses
- Describing technical statistical findings to you in terms that an educated layperson can understand
- Interpreting the findings together to understand their implications for recommendations for your program model or continuous quality improvement processes
- Helping you to interpret and present findings to your stakeholders in terms they can understand
- Producing attractive infographics and reports for sharing with various audiences
- Providing you with technical appendices containing all methodological and statistical details
An evaluation of your mentoring program can:

Power your program with accurate data
Understanding the effect specific program factors are having on the youth you serve is powerful knowledge. It gives you the ability to adjust and modify your practices to make your program more effective—for mentors and mentees, and for your program staff members.
Scientific. Accurate. Essential.
Mentoring Central can work with your program to develop an evaluation protocol that combines your quality improvement goals with your outcome evaluation goals. We can work with you to monitor how your mentees, mentors, and program staff change over time, as your program evolves.