What’s Included in Program Evaluations


EQUIP Training

Training consists of three one-hour webinars for up to 30 mentoring program staff members.

Examples of topics covered in the training:

  • Foundation and research basis of the Third Edition of the EEPM
  • Benefits and challenges of engaging in a quality improvement process
  • How to prepare to complete a program self-assessment
  • Overview of the EQUIP life cycle
  • The structure and content of the EQUIP self-assessment tool
  • How to access and use the EQUIP web-based software tool
Program self-assessment

Using EQUIP’s web-based software self-assessment tool, your trained program administrator answers questions about your specific program practices and provides supporting documentation. In this step, you’re able to describe your unique challenges for achieving or maintaining compliance. In fact, this is an opportunity to use the findings in your requests for resources.

External expert review

Once the self-assessment is complete, we conduct an objective external review.EQUIP is designed for objectivity; separate individuals can independently, reliably, and consistently determine if your program is in compliance with each benchmark.

Benchmark and Program Practice Report

The Program Practices Report (PPR) is created following completion of the self-assessment and external expert review and presented to your Program Director. This consultation phase gives you an opportunity to collaborate on revisions to the final PPR report.

Reports are organized in two important ways, so you can invest in the areas that deliver the greatest return:

1) Six EEPM Standards:
a. Recruitment
b. Screening
c. Training
d. Matching
e. Monitoring and Support

f. Closure

2) Severity of Importance: benchmarks are regrouped into four practice categories prioritized for impact. This categorization system is unique to EQUIP:
a. Physical safety
b. Emotional safety
c. Research-based
d. Enhancements


Quality Improvement Plan and Consultation

Your in-depth Quality Improvement Plan starts with a full analysis of your self-assessment (from PhaseOne) by our trained experts. Based on their analysis, they create your customized plan (Phase Two) with you.

Your customized plan includes:
  • Comprehensive, real-time presentation
  • Full written report
  • Check-in points throughout the process
  • Step-by-step prioritized action plan
  • Recommended resources for implementation